In order to prevail, we must first accept the discipline required to grow.

Owner of Prevail and lead instructor, Chris Michael, has been passionate about Jiu Jitsu for over a decade. He is currently under the training and mentorship of black belt, Chad Pomeroy, owner of Black Lion Jiu Jitsu in Byron Center. Chris will be the first to tell you that Jiu Jitsu has changed his life and that he loves to share the art with others. He is passionate about what Jiu Jitsu can teach you, its parallels to life’s lessons, and how it can build both physical strength and mental fortitude. Chris, along with his wife, Gwen, strive to build a community that pursues personal excellence both on and off the mat.

Chris Michael

Prevail Affiliations

Located in Byron Center, Michigan, Black Lion is owned and run by black belt, Chad Pomeroy. Prevail is part of Kroyler Gracie Jiu Jitsu association and a direct affiliate under Chad Pomeroy. Chad acquired his black belt under Kroyler Gracie, Grandson to Heilo Gracie.

Black Lion Jiu Jitsu Academy

The Barefoot Dragon Yoga Studio

Located in Sheridan, Michigan, owner Heather Coe has taught power vinyasa yoga since 2021. We have the privilege of joining forces with The Barefoot Dragon Yoga Studio to practice Jiu Jitsu and encourage others to grow beyond the mats.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our current classes are gi-focused. Underneath your gi you will want to wear some combination of compression-wear. This can be a rash guard, compression boxers, sports bra (high neck is suggested), and/or compression shorts (no pockets) or pants. Please make sure you and all your clothes are clean!

  • Our current class lineup is gi-focused, but if you don’t have a gi, thats ok! Wear your compression gear. (Rash guard, mma shorts (no pockets), and/or compression pants.

  • All adults and kids start as a white belt.

  • Of course! We’d love for you to give it a try! We were all new on the mats once too and love sharing our passion with anyone interested.

  • Our goal is to avoid injury but, like all contact sports, you will run a risk of getting hurt. If you have any previously existing injuries, definitely let us AND your rolling partner know. We want everyone to be as safe and mindful on the mats as possible.

  • Most definitely! Chris would be happy to spend one-on-one time with you to dive into your Jiu Jitsu game. A private lesson is a great way to ask specific questions, expand upon technique you’re interested, or just discuss where you feel like your Jiu Jitsu game might be lacking. To schedule a private, email or chat with Chris or Gwen at the gym.